Saturday, December 28, 2013


Deadites are creatures, most commonly people, that have become possessed by evil spirits (demons) in the Evil Dead universe. However, monsters and creatures released by The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis can be referred to as Deadites as well.
Human beings that have been possessed by a Deadite will exhibit white, pupil-less eyes, dark grey skin, and will also appear to decay rapidly. In The Evil Dead & The Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn, when people became possessed, they continued to decay indefinitely. It can be assumed that eventually the host body will decay completely from the demon's corruption. In The Evil Dead, Professor Knowby warned via his tape recordings that he feared the only way to stop those possessed by the demons (Deadites) was through the act of bodily dismemberment. Also in the same film, he warned that the
 book said that these enduring creatures may lie dormant but were never truly dead.
When a human becomes a Deadite, it is assumable that they have no control over their physical body. Their souls are apparently taken to Hell and tortured, although this might just be the demons' threat to scare those not possessed. In the films, only two people that become a deadite was ever released or returned to normal, the most notable being Ash or Mia from the remake.
The Deadites also apparently have complete recall of the lives of their vessels, their memories, their emotions, and their relationships, and are able to temporarily appear as fully human again to communicate with those not possessed. This has only been used to escape from certain death or indefinite confinement. Through this trickery, the Deadites provoke an irrational and emotional response in their captors or would-be killers to allow them an opportunity either for escape or to catch them off-guard.
The Deadites ascreatures appear as beings of pure debauchery, lust, and insanity. They enjoy self-mutilation, swearing, and relishing the fear of their prey. In Evil Dead (2013), the Deadites inflict terrible bodily damage to themselves before they even begin attacking others. It is unknown if they do this as a scare tactic or simply because they enjoy the pain. Oddly enough, after being a Deadite for several hours, suffering various injuries (mostly self-inflicted) including forking her tongue with a box-cutter, and being buried alive, Mia was completely unharmed after release from her possesion. This may imply that while possesing a human any harm on the body is inflicted on the demon rather than the possesed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Although not all mutations have a noticeable phenotypic effect, the common usage of the word mutant is generally a pejorative term only used for noticeable mutations.Previously, people used the word sport (related to spurt) to refer to abnormal specimens. The scientific usage is broader, referring to any organism differing from the wild type.
Mutants should not be confused with organisms born with developmental abnormalities, which are caused by errors during morphogenesis. In a developmental abnormality, the DNA of the organism is unchanged and the abnormality cannot be passed on to progeny. Conjoined twins are the result of developmental abnormalities.
Chemicals that cause developmental abnormalities are called teratogens; these may also cause mutations, but their effect on development is not related to mutations. Chemicals that induce mutations are called mutagens. Most mutagens are also considered to be carcinogens


In biology and especially genetics, a mutant is an individual, organism, or new genetic character, arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is a base-pair sequence change within the DNA of a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the wild type. The natural occurrence of genetic mutations is integral to the process of evolution. The study of mutants is an integral part of biology; by understanding the effect that a mutation in a gene has, it is possible to establish the normal function of that gene.
In some organisms mutants can be created by gene targeting to assess the function of any given gene. This experimental approach is called reverse genetics. For example, a collection of knockout-moss mutants can be used to identify genes with so far unknown functions.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Black Eyed People

Modern mythology is riddled with unexplained phenomenon, but to this day I haven't run into anything quite as unexplainable as the Black Eyed People.
They're often called Black Eyed Kids or Black Eyed Beings, but what they really are is a complete and total mystery.

Most accounts of encounters follow a lot of the same patterns, though slight changes in each scenario only make the mystery of the Black Eyed People that much greater.
In most cases, a human-looking being with pure black eyes (including the normally white parts) will approach a person at their home or car, asking to be let in. They usually have a very dry personality, almost no personality at all, unless they are told that they can't come in, to which they get very agitated. Most people describe a feeling of intense dread and fear when in the presence of these Black Eyed Beings, but they can't say exactly why.

Usually, the Black Eyed Being has very pale or sickly-looking skin, and very dark hair. They are usually men, but not always, and often wear all black or very dark clothes.
Not all cases go this way, though. Some people have been approached in public by these beings. One woman reported running into a female Black Eyed Being in a gas station restroom who just stood there and stared her down.

The term "Black Eyed Kids" is used very often as a generalization for this phenomenon because of the high number of cases involving children with black eyes. In almost every case, it will be one or two children around ten years of age that ask either for a ride home if someone is in a car, or ask to be let in to a home. They often wear no shoes, and look dirty and disheveled. They are just as devoid of personality as their elder counterparts, until risen to anger when being told no.

I've spent quite some time doing some intensive research on the topic and a couple of key things strike me as important. I'm not sure exactly what these beings are or where they come from, but in this case, I'm going with my gut to provide some answers.

  1. In every case, the Black Eyed People must get permission to enter a home or a car. They cannot come in without an invitation, even if they want to. In one case, a young man reported a girl trying to get in through a doorway but was stopped by some invisible force when he wouldn't give her permission to enter. Anyone who is familiar with vampire mythology will recognize that the invitation to come in is a classic trait of the vampire.

  2. In a couple of the cases, one involving a man and one involving a young boy, the person encountering the Black Eyed Person drove away in their car, only to see the same person on the street two or three different times on the way home. There is no physical way that the Black Eyed Being could have traveled that far that quickly.

  3. One of the Black Eyed People was caught on security tapes in an elevator. When the man riding the elevator with him watched the tapes back, he appeared alone in the elevator - no Black Eyed Person to be seen.

  4. Almost every story of an encounter with Black Eyed People ends with the person feeling great fear and running away. In a couple of stories, people have had very intense instinctive reactions telling them to not let the being know that it is affecting you. In a sense, these people sense the 'danger', but have a 'fight' reaction, rather than a 'flight' reaction. Either way, it seems best to trust your instincts in these situations.

  5. Those who have spoken to them say that they often make reference to not having a home. They seem to be wandering around, looking for... something. I have an eerie feeling that their idea of "home" isn't a house - it's a body to live in.

  6. I only know of one story where someone actually did let one of these Black Eyed Beings in. It was actually the first time I heard about them. A visitor to this site named Carol who has had, and continues to have, experiences with a certain Black Eyed Person from which she senses no fear. You can read her story here. All I ask is that if you have any insight into Carol's situation, you leave a comment on that page.
    So what are these Black Eyed People? Some think they are demons taking the form of humans in order to steal someone's soul. Others think they are vampires, looking to take someone's blood or energy. Another explanation is that they are alien life forms, trying to fit into society, and possibly find a place to live.

All are as 'reasonable' an explanation as the other. There are demonic traits, vampiric traits, and even alien traits to all of the stories, but not a lot of direct evidence to support any of them.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cerberus in Greek Mythology

Cerberus (Greek mythology) is best known as the guardian to the gates of Hades (the Underworld).
In Greek mythology Cerberus is depicted as a dog with three ferocious heads and the tail of a snake. He is one of the great Greek monsters born unto Typhon and Echidna.
His sole task is essentially be the "bouncer" of Hades. As the rules go, only the dead may enter the Underworld, and none may leave.

There are only a couple of myths in Greek mythology where a hero gets the better of Cerberus. The first is when Orpheus (Greek mythology), the famed musician, sneaks into Hades by lulling the usually unstoppable Cerberus to sleep with his beautiful music.

The second myth is when Hercules (Greek mythology), with the approval of Hades (Greek mythology), the god of the Underworld, gets Cerberus in a choke hold, knocks him out, and kidnaps him. He is eventually returned to his post where he remains to this day.Other than these myths, the three-headed hound of Hell is an unmatched force for anyone trying to get in or out of Hades without express permission

In vampire mythology, it is said that the souls of all vampires are held in a container (a coffin, appropriately), somewhere in Hades. According to the Vampire Origin Story, because of a deal made by the first vampire, if any vampire should ever return to Hades they can get in (because technically they are dead), but they can never leave again.

Some believe that due to his unmatched dedication to the gods of ancient Greece, Cerberus was eventually released by Hades and was able to join the gods in a more human immortal form, thereafter being known by the name Naberius.

New Monsters

New Monsters Facts Coming Soon

Sorry 4 The Wait

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Mythology of Manticore

The manticore is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the face of a human. It has three rows of sharp teeth, like a shark, and a tail with poisonous spiked barbs that it can throw like javelins at its enemies.
The mythology behind this strange creature began in Persia, where it was first known as the Martyaxwar which literally translates to “man-eater”. As the legend moved west, the name shifted to a more Greek pronunciation, and this creature became most famously known in Greek mythology as “Manticore”.

Though it had the head of a human, it was considerably more monster than man. It could not speak any languages, and had a voice that was described as sounding like a trumpet. That’s not to say the manticore wasn’t clever. It’s favorite way to lure prey was to hide its red lion body in the tall grass so from a distance humans would see only the head of a man. Those who were fooled into coming too close were never seen again. And I mean never. In Greek mythology this beast would devour a human whole, including all of their clothes and all of their possessions, leaving nothing left for family or friends to find. Often people who had gone missing were assumed to have been eaten by one of these rarely seen monsters.
Manticore mythology held strong over several centuries. Eventually tales of this mythical monster had spread to India as well, where it became a popular legend, as well as an omen of bad luck and misfortune.
Savvy monster followers will notice that the manticore is very similar in shape to the famous Egyptian Sphinx, whose legend actually originates from the Greek. Despite the physical similarity (body of a lion with the head of a man), the Sphinx is actually a completely different creature. Unlike it’s Persian predecessor, the Sphinx was quite brilliant and spoke eloquently, offering humans a chance to save their lives by answering a riddle. If they failed, the Sphinx would typically eat them. So maybe the two aren’t so different after all...